State ,Path and Process in Thermodynamics | Thermodynamics Cycle
State, path and process
A state is condition of system and is specified by its properties. At a given state all the properties of a system have definite values
Change of state of a system is the consequence of any operation in which properties will change. The series of states through which system passes during a change of state is called the part of the process
A process may be defined as a change of a system from one state to another state. An equilibrium process is a process during which a system remains in equilibrium while its state changes if the system does not remain in equilibrium while it state change then it is called a non-equilibrium process
Thermodynamics cycle
A thermodynamic cycle is defined as a series of process such that the system returns to its initial state. Thus the series of processes (cycle process) in a cycle starts and ends at the same state of a system.
Fig 1.7 illustrate the cycle comprising two processes A and B.
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