Union of sets
Union of sets
Relation Let A and B be two sets. Then a relation from set A to B is a subset of A × B. Thus, R is a relation from A to B⇔R ⊆ A × B. If R is a relation from a non-void set A to non-void set B and my if (a, b)…
Intersection of sets Let A and B be two sets. The intersection of A and B is the set of all those elements that belongs to both A and B. See in Fig(v) shaded region show A∩B We denote A intersection B by notation “A ∩ B” Thus A∩B = { x : x ∈…
Intervals as subsets of R Closed intervals Let a and b be two given real numbers such that a < b. Then the set of all real numbers x such that a ≤ x ≤ b is called a closed interval and is denoted by [a, b] . Thus, [a, b] = {…
Function as a correspondence Let A and B be two non-empty sets. Then a function ‘f ‘ from set A to set B is a rule or method or correspondence which associates elements of set A to elements of set B such that: Fig. 2(a) (i) all elements of set A are associated to…
Disjoint sets Two sets A and B are said to be disjoint, if A∩B=Φ. If A∩B≠Φ, then A and B are said to be intersecting or overlapping sets As shown in Fig(vi) Fig(vi) Example If A={ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 }, B={ 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 } and C= { 6, 8, 10,…
Introduction about thermodynamics Energy is the capacity to do work energy cannot be created or destroyed but only can be changed into other forms (principle of conservation of energy). Thermodynamics mainly deals with interaction between heat and work (mechanical energy) and change in the property is associated with these interactions. The interaction between heat and…