Properties of Ideal gases ∣ Charactaristic of gas equation ∣ Specific Heat
Ideal gases
Boyle and Charles investigated the behaviour of gases and formulated the laws.
Energy interaction (Transition) An energy interaction or transition is said to occur or to exist between two systems when one system influences a sustains the state of the other system. Thermodynamics mainly studies the interactions between heat and work and associated property change of the system In otherwords Energy…
SI (System of international) system of units The SI system consists of seven basic units and two supplementary units. These are represented in table 1 . The unit for other quantities are derived from the basic units which are given in table 2. It is convenient to use prefix to avoid the use of very…
The Sea Guardians, the maritime variant of the Predator MQ-9s are actually what that were recently inducted into the Indian Navy? Q2 – The Sea Guardians, the maritime variant of the Predator MQ-9s are actually what that were recently inducted into the Indian Navy? Answer – Drones Q1 – In the first week of December 2020, the…
Symmetry difference of sets Let A and B be two sets. The symmetry difference of sets A and B is the set (A-B) ∪ (B-A) and it is denoted by A ∆ B. Then A∆B=(A-B) ∪ (B-A) = {x : x ∉ A ∩ B}. In Fig 9 shaded region represents A∆B Fig (9) Example…
Pressure The molecules of a gas are in random motion. The rapidly moving molecules continually impact on the surface of the container and its effect is to produce a force over the surface. The force normal to unit area of surface is called pressure acting on the surface. The normal force exerted by the atmosphere…
State, path and process State A state is condition of system and is specified by its properties. At a given state all the properties of a system have definite values Path Change of state of a system is the consequence of any operation in which properties will change. The series of states through which system…
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